Tuesday 3 May 2011

Catching Up

So, things have been really busy lately.  We’ve had two four-day weekends in a row.  The first long weekend, I went to Dublin.  This past weekend, I was in New York.  So, no blogging for me.  That said, I’ve stored up some good topics so look for some writing to be coming in the next few days... probably after I get over my jetlag.

So, the new diet starts tomorrow.  The plan is to do mainly vegetarian diet with the occasional lean fish or chicken dish to add protein and keep me healthy.  One of my main concerns with going vegetarian is that I will end up eating a ton of bread and pasta.  I don’t want to go down that path, as with my PCOS I think eating high GI foods will mess up my insulin levels and I likely won’t lose any weight.  So, I’m planning to eat more hearty vegetables like mushrooms and to have more soups and broths to manage my hunger.  My other concern is that I’ll eat more cheese on this diet.  I want this diet to be both low-carb and low-fat, so I’m just not stocking it in my fridge.  With this in mind, I’m not going to calorie count this time around.  It gets really old really fast.  I don’t want to calorie count my whole life, so I need to learn to listen to my body and make good decisions without a food log in front of me.  I’ll post about the new diet once it gets underway--wish me luck!

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