Friday 8 April 2011

A Day in the Life

I can’t remember the last time I was in this good a mood.  I woke up completely rested before my alarm went off, I put on my music, and I’ve been irrepressibly cheerful ever since.  Maybe its because today is the third sunny, warm day in a row?  Maybe its because its Friday?  Maybe its because my hair cooperated and I get to wear my new top?  Maybe its because I just had delicious Nando’s for lunch?  Maybe its because this weekend looks to be warm and sunny as well, and there are few places more awesome than London when the weather is nice?  I don’t know and I don’t really care.  I’m in a great mood and I’m staying that way.

There are side effects to this mood.  I basically want to get up and dance around the office, I keep breaking out into song.  And I’m being silly.  Well, that’s not entirely accurate.  I guess its better to say that I’m having a hard time controlling my impulses and keeping my interior monologue to myself.  So, all my random thoughts are spewing out of my mouth.  If people didn’t think I was crazy before, they’re thinking it now.  Some examples:

This morning I wondered how they make coffee decaffeinated.  Of course, Wikipedia has all the answers.  In case you’re as curious as I was, typically solvents are applied to unroasted (green) coffee beans until most of the caffeine has been removed whilst leaving the other essential chemicals in coffee intact.  

Then I contemplated the life and writings of the Marquis de Sade.  Naturally.

Today at lunch I asked my flatmate whether a woman with a nubbin (extra nipple) lactates through it or if its purely cosmetic.  I have since learned that supernumerary nipples are diagnosed at a rate of 1 in 18 males and 1 in 50 females.  They can occur anywhere on your body, even on your feet!  And yes, if sufficiently developed and located on a milk line, nubbins can be milk-bearing. In some cases they can have fat and glandular tissue and look like mini-breasts!

I then tried to create new emoticons.  What should this mean:  :-x ? Pirate emoticon?  How about this:  >_< ?  “Doh!”?  Or is it a pucker face?  This is too fun.

It’s only 14:10.  This does not bode well for the rest of the day.  

Update:  Yeah, we just played "6 degrees of Kevin Bacon" for over an hour. 

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